Print at shirt design office run by Lesova Holdings (Pvt) Ltd if you would like to have a hassle-free service. Our expert product development team will help you with every step in the process just to make sure you get the best possible solution for your custom clothing requirement. The logos and slogans you may want to have on the garment as you try to print at shirt locations may change based on your priorities. That is why our team wants to sit with you at our city office and develop the different sets of solutions for your custom garments project.
When you print more than 1000 units for your brand promotion project, we strongly recommend getting feedback from our product development team. The reason is our team can guide you on the tips and tricks for better quality as well as cost savings.
Please click here, submit your contact information and then check your inbox/spam folder for the guidelines. Our City Office team will offer 1 to 1 support until you get hold of your custom merchandise.
Production leadtime: 3 – 8 weeks | Recommended order size for cost savings: LKR 300,000+ OR uniforms: 300+, other items: 1000+ | Minimum order size: Garments- 100 | Caps, Ties & Hats- 200| Minimum invoice value- LKR 50,000 | Recommended No of uniforms per person per year: 5-10 (5 day work week)